Porlock Wassail - Porlock Apple Press

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Porlock Wassail

Porlock Wassail Night
We haven't received any information
about the 2023 Wassail yet...

This event is usually co-ordinated by Porlock Visitor Centre, and may be subject to changes. We suggest that you contact the Visitor Centre to get the latest running order and locations on 01643-863150.
The information here is only as we know it!

In the past it's been something like this...

Starting at 5.30pm - at Dovery Manor Museum

Kicking off the night will be a performance of the Mummers Play upstairs in the 'solar' at the museum.

The Wassail ceremonies will then be carried out at each of the following venues...
(with short processions between)  

Dovery Manor Museum Garden
Sparkhayes Farm Orchard
The Old School Centre Orchard Garden
Porlock Community Orchard

and then.... more song and fun at a local pub!

Please  wear stout footwear, bring a torch or lantern, saucepan lids wooden  spoons, whistles, clackers or anything to make a really loud noise!

This is a FREE EVENT for all ages.

(Please  be aware that there may be loud reports from shotguns as part of the  Wassail Ceremonies in the Orchards - a bit like fireworks)

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