Demonstration Days
Porlock Apple Press
Annual Demonstration Pressing Day
*** 2024 ***
Sadly, we are very unlikely to carry out any demonstrations
this year while we decide what to do about an unwarranted
intervention by a local body.
Our work fulfilling our aims as a preservation society
does continue however. We are excited about the development
of some projects & ideas for the future too!
We will update this website with
our future plans as soon as we can.
*** 2024 ***
*** This is what we used to do ***
Porlock Apple Press Demonstration Pressing Day
An opportunity to see our old press in action - and it's free!
The Old School Centre Orchard Garden, 10.00am to 3.30pm (ish!)
Porlock Apple Press Group members will be present using our old press and ancillary equipment and you are free to observe.
A look back to the old craft of apple juice production... centred around our early 1800's 'Somerset Pattern' apple press, pressing many tons of apples into fresh juice for you to taste and is free for you to take away (with an invitation to make a donation... please).
Add to this some hearty singing of some cider songs (you are invited to join as well!), vintage engines and machinery in action... means the traditional method of pressing apple juice is preserved for the benefit of future generations. The best bit..... IT'S FREE!
On-site loo - Parking is only 150yds away.
Porlock Apple Press Group are a not-for-profit entity, trying our best to preserve the apple growing & cider making history of this part of Exmoor, and the proceeds from this event all go towards that aim.
*** This is what we used to do ***
Porlock Apple Press Group
Health & Safety Policy Statement
Porlock Apple Press Group
Demonstration Pressings - Risk Assessment
(A living document subject to continuous review)