Festival 2019 - Another great day!

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Festival 2019 - Another great day!

Porlock Apple Press
Published by Grant Dennis in Festival · Saturday 26 Oct 2019 ·  1:00
Tags: PorlockApplePress&RuralCraftsFestival
Thank you to all who attended on the 19th October, and thank you to everyone who helped make the festival another great success.

Despite the heavy downpours during the morning, and not forgetting the England quarter-final match in the Rugby World Cup - the visitors came to enjoy the press and rural crafts attractions. Numbers of visitors were estimated at around a thousand this year. The 12 tonnes of apples were all pulped and juice extracted, with many visitors saying that they had never tasted fresh an unadulterated apple juice before - and loved it!

We are in the final stages of the post event clear-up, and when done the blog will be updated, with some piccies too!

Bye for now.... back soon.

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