Everything is set... including the weather!
Published by Grant Dennis in Festival · Friday 19 Oct 2018 · 1:45
Porlock Apple Press & Rural Crafts Festival 2018
With more attractions and stalls than ever before, together with the old favourites, the hog roast and all the food - we hope that you will all be able to have a wonderful experience of how things were done in yesteryear, plus having great fun too!!! There will be something for all ages, and you really must buy some of the raffle tickets to get the chance to win some lovely prizes donated by local Porlock businesses.
This is a not-for-profit community event that gives a learning experience (especially for the young ones), and an opportunity for local artisans and crafts persons to show their talents.
There will be some fab crafts persons attending, so there will be the opportunity to buy some really different, bespoke early Christmas presents too!
We give away the fresh apple juice from the press (but the 1 litre plastic containers cost us 57 pence to buy - so we invite you to at least donate the cost for each container you might take... please!). You need to remember that the fresh juice is unpasteurised, meaning nothing added, or takien away. Treat it like milk... keep it refridgerated and consume within 3 or 4 days. Should you wish to keep the juice for longer periods we advise that it be frozen as soon as you can. Once thawed the juice will be good for immediate consumption, and again kept like milk but for the remaing period of the original 4 days from fresh.
We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday 20th October - Porlock Old School Centre/ Visitor Centre.... TA24 8QD
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