Grant Dennis

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Thank you to all those who came along to our Annual Demonstration Pressing Day on Saturday 22nd October 2022
We are doing an additional demonstration pressing from 10.00am Friday 21st October, so come along to see the traditional method to produce apple juice.
Saturday 22nd October 2022 - 10.00am to 3.30pm (ish!)
No festival, but lots of juice!
Pressing demonstrations this week commencing 18/10/2021
We WILL be carrying out demonstration pressings on Saturday 23rd October 2021
No Festival, but we did carry on the annual tradition. We pressed 4 to 5 tonnnes of aplpes in the traditional way.
This years Porlock Apple Press & Rural Crafts Festival is CANCELLED... COVID-19
As COVID-19 continues to be a serious problem for us all, we have decided not to run the Porlock Apple Press& Rural crafts Festival this year.
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