All was not lost!

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All was not lost!

Porlock Apple Press
Published by Grant Dennis in Festival · Tuesday 17 Nov 2020 ·  1:00
   All was not lost!

The tightening of the pandemic restrictions ultimately led to the complete cancellation of the Porlock Apple Press & Rural Crafts Festival  for this year. The 'rule of six' gathering limit stymied our plan for  limited demonstration pressings. We just couldn't practically ensure a  Covid-secure environment, and above all did not want to encourage any  gathering which could result in inadvertent transmission of the virus.  So we now look to next year, hoping that we can return to some semblance  of normality by then.

The  restrictions did not mean that all the apples were left in our  orchards. Four of the group members did manage to press four to five  tonnes of apples during October. Our traditional 'Somerset Pattern'  press situated in the Old School Centre Orchard Garden successfully  produced upwards of two hundred gallons. The yield was very good, with  the juice going for raw juice, bottled pasteurised juice, cider making  and apple wine making.

Let us hope that we can resume normality..... well in some sense anyway, soon!

Stay safe..... Porlock Apple Press Group

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