Additional Pressing Demo...

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Additional Pressing Demo...

Porlock Apple Press
Published by Grant Dennis in News · Thursday 20 Oct 2022 ·  1:00
Tags: Pressing
The gang will be at the press on the morning of Friday 21st October to carry out some additional demonstration pressing, so come on down to The Old School Centre Orchard garden at Poprlock to see how things were done in yesteryear.

The Pressing Demonstration Day proper will be on SATURDAY 22nd OCTOBER , between 10.00 am and until we run out of apples!!!! Probably around 3.30pm.

The raw apple juice is free to take away (treat it like fresh milk - keep in a fridge and consume within 3 - 4 days). You are invited to make a donation to cover the cost of the new dairy cartons that we supply it in!

There might even be a rendition of a daft cider song or two!!!

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