A week to go!

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A week to go!

Porlock Apple Press
Published by Grant Dennis in Festival · Thursday 10 Oct 2019 ·  1:00
Well it doesn't seem like it was nearly a year since our last festival!

We've been busy making all the arrangements for this year, setting things up, all the behind the scenes preparations and paperwork - and not forgetting the 'red-tape' for events like these.

More importantly than all that... we've been harvesting the apples. At the time of writing we've gathered about 12 tonnes. That should mean lots of lovely fresh juice on the day. There really is something very special about the freshest possible apple juice as it pours from the press.

There are some new attractions for this year which we hope will prove to be equally as good as those we've had in the past. Our aims are to showcase old rural crafts, as well as provide a platform for newer artists and crafters too. They are all local to Porlock - Exmoor -West Somerset - North Devon.

More up dates soon....

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